Welcome to the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPR) is responsible for the review, submission, and acceptance of University-based research, training, technical assistance, or educational projects involving funds, materials, or other compensation from outside sources.
Because external funding imposes certain legal obligations on the University with respect to its use, management, and accountability, OSPR works with a range of other University offices, and members of the faculty to ensure the effective management of the sponsored programs process.
Dean of Research
The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPR) works closely with the Associate Provost and Dean of Research. The Dean is a key member of the Academic Administration and oversees all research-related activities.
Meet Leadership
OSPR Director and Staff
The Director and Assistant Director of OSPR work closely with and support the Associate Provost and Dean of Research, Center Directors, Department Chairs, faculty and staff throughout the lifecycle of a grant, from developing grant proposals to post award grant management and compliance.
About OSPR
Find Funding Opportunities

Let us help you identify potential funding opportunities and sponsors for your next research project, creative endeavor, innovative idea or program.
Explore Funding
Request IRB/Human Subjects Approval

All Human Subjects research at Clark must be reviewed by the Clark University Institutional Review Board. Find out more about the process and timelines for review and approval.
IRB Process
Develop and Submit a Grant Proposal

If you are considering submitting a proposal to an external sponsor for funding a research project or other activity, start early and reach out to OSPR for guidance and assistance.
Work with us